LAB (Learn Alloy Better) is our training portal where you have access to numerous training modules and paths to help you learn everything about Alloy.
Customers are generally given access to LAB during their Implementation process but if you forgot your credentials or have a new hire, you can get access following these steps.
Returning Users: How to Sign-in
1. Go to the LAB login page
2. Fill out your username and password.
Lost Password
If you have lost your password or can’t access your platform with your password, you can reset your password by clicking Forgot your password? on the login form. In the pop-up box, type in the email address or username that corresponds to your user account in the platform and press Send Reset Link.
New Users: Registration
If you haven't registered for LAB before, follow these steps.
1. Go to the LAB login page.
2. Click Register.
3. Fill out the registration form (Be sure to use your work email address, personal domains such as are restricted) and accept the terms.
4. After clicking Register, an administrator will review and approve your request. You’ll receive a welcome email with an access link once approved.
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