To access the Multi-Level Attribute Filters page, you can navigate to the Settings tab, and click on Multi-Level Attribute Filters.
To create a new Multi-Level Attribute Filter, you would select the button that says “Create new MLA Filter”. Any existing will be listed, as seen below.
When creating the new filter, you must select a name. It cannot be changed later. There are many attributes that can be chosen;
Non-Monetary Multi-Level Attribute
Counterparty Multi-Level Attribute
Account Balance Multi-Level Attribute
PII Changes Multi-Level Attribute
Linked Accounts Multi-Level Attribute
Identity Element Velocity Multi-Level Attribute
Distinct Entity PII Multi-Level Attribute
Fraud Score Multi-Level Attribute
Account Status Multi-Level Attribute
Monetary Multi-Level Attribute
Each Multi-level attribute filter has distinct components that can be filled out before setting the filter in place.
Non-Monetary Multi-Level Attribute
The client can also add the additional attributes listed below; Geography, Category, Interaction Point, MCC, Min Amount, Transaction, Codes, Counterparty, User-initiated
Counterparty Multi-Level Attribute
The client can also add the additional attributes listed below; Min Amount, Max Count
Account Balance Multi-Level Attribute
PII Changes Multi-Level Attribute
Linked Accounts Multi-Level Attribute
Identity Element Velocity Multi-Level Attribute
Distinct Entity PII Multi-Level Attribute
The client can also add the additional attributes listed below; PII Status
Fraud Score Multi-Level Attribute
Account Status Multi-Level Attribute
Monetary Multi-Level Attribute
The client can also add the additional attributes listed below; Geography, Category, Interaction Point, MCC, Min Amount, Max Amount, Transaction Codes, Counterparty, Return Codes, User-initiated, Transaction Status, Account
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