The Organization page allows you to manage your organization’s name, features, default searches, and whitelisted IP addresses.
Here are descriptions of each option found on the Organization page:
Single Sign-On Only - allows agents to access their dashboard only via single sign-on and no other login methods will be allowed.
Multi-Factor Authentication Required - when enabled, agents will be prompted to enter a code sent through either SMS or Twilio Authy if they have an account connected to their phone number. Please confirm that all agents have the correct phone number listed in Alloy before enabling this feature.
Agent Audit Enabled - allows the audit log to log agent actions. To access/view the audit log, the agent must be an Admin or have the “Agent can view the Audit Actions page” permission enabled under their role.
Found Data Enabled - must be enabled for outgoing/incoming data routes.
G Suite Domain - used for Google Auth, enter your G Suite domain here. To enable this feature you will also need to check the checkbox below, “Google Signin Required.”
Auto-expanded Webhooks Results - auto-expand the list of webhooks that fired and their results after a user completes a review in the dashboard
Organization Default Searches
Default searches - controls which view filters appear when you open the pages listed. By default this is set to data from the past 30 days, but it can be set to any saved search.
Click the dropdown arrow to select a default saved search.
Whitelisted IP Addresses for Dashboard Access
Whitelisted IP addresses - define a set of IP addresses which dashboard access is restricted to. When IP addresses are set here, agents in the account will not be able to log in unless they are accessing the application from an IP address in the configured list.
Input the IP address in the “IP Address” field along with a description and select “Add.” Make sure to click “Disabled” to enable this feature.
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