Permissions are now available to determine which users can see Social Security Numbers (SSN) within Alloy. Clients can restrict access to SSN for a given user role or specific agent.
There are three levels of access which can be configured within settings:
- View full SNN (123-45-6789)
- View last four digits of SSN (xxx-xx-6789)
- Mask full SSN (xxx-xx-xxxx)
Configure Permissions
By default, all users have full SSN permission. Clients who wish to restrict access will need to update their user role and agent permissions accordingly.
We created a new PII section within user role and agent permissions to restrict SSN access.
Agent will see full SSN as 123-45-6789.
Agent will see partial SSN as xxx-xx-6789
Agent will see SSN appear as xxx-xx-xxxx.
Restricted Views
Users with partial or full SSN restrictions will have limited access to certain functionalities, listed below.
Evaluation Matched Data
SSN will be displayed according to the permissions granted. If the user cannot see the full SSN, the SSN velocity tooltip will also be disabled.
Evaluation Raw Response on header is now hidden if the user does not have access to full SSN.
Evaluation Service Raw Response is hidden as well. Users are no longer able to click on a service to view raw response data.
Other Data uses raw response data to configure custom fields. This panel will be hidden.
Rerun Evaluation
Alloy will mask the SSN displayed in the UI but insert the full SSN upon rerun. The full SSN and last 4 digits field in the form will be disabled, users will not be able to modify.
Entity PII Header will mask SSN.
Evaluation and Entity SSN Search is disabled.
Run Evaluation will disable the ability to input an SSN or last 4 digits.
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