What is Data Routing?
Data Routing allows an evaluation to pass data returned by one data service to other data services in your workflow.
As an example, services like Sentilink may expect a birth date from another service like Sentilink Complete. In situations like this, Sentilink Complete would need to run first and then use Data Routing to send the birth date to the Sentilink data service for additional processing.
How to Configure Data Routing in Your Alloy Workflow
- Using the left-hand navigation menu, click on Settings and then Organization. Make sure the Found Data Enabled setting is turned on. This setting is required for Data Routing to function.
- Navigate to the workflow requiring Data Routing by clicking on the Workflows menu from the left-hand navigation menu and then the line containing the workflow you wish to edit. From there, click the VIEW button on the right-hand side of the versions table.
- Click on the green data service node for the data service that will be sending data to another data service.
- Click on the Data Routing button to reveal the sub-menu.
- Use the Add New Outgoing Route drop-down to select the data category.
- The final step involves clicking on the pulsing chain link icon found on the destination data service node.
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