Entity: An individual or business.
Evaluation: The summary and results of an entity’s application.
Workflow: The decision engine that contains the rules used to decision an entity. A workflow can have many versions but only one version is active at a given time.
Version: A particular ruleset of a workflow. A new version is created every time any change is made and saved to the workflow. A version cannot be changed. Any update becomes a new version. No previous versions are ever lost; they are all logged and auditable.
Review Queue: Where an evaluation goes when it needs to be manually reviewed, or when the outcome decision could be changed.
Tag: Contains the workflow rules. Tags that fire when an applicant is run through Alloy get returned in the evaluation summary.
Outcome: The result of a decisioned entity or evaluation. Examples of Outcomes are: Approved, Denied, and Manual Review.
Review Reasons: Pre-set reasons to select when choosing an outcome in a Review.
Outcome Reasons: Outcome reasons appear in the evaluation summary and indicate why an evaluation has a certain outcome.
Events: Evaluations, decisions, and documents uploaded for an entity.
Matched Data: This section of the Evaluations Summary page shows which data sources verified or did not match each piece of the applicant’s information.
Data Sources: This section of the Evaluations Summary page displays the third-party data sources used to decision on the applicant in that particular workflow. Hover your cursor over the data source to see if it was “Executed” or if it “Failed” to run.
Diligence: This section of the Evaluations Summary page contains the evaluation’s fraud scores, any OFAC hits, and identity questions.
Tags Returned: This section of the Evaluations Summary page contains the tags returned for the evaluation; these tags represent rules or information in the workflow.
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